The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked above all things, who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
I recently saw this comic from Adam4d, and I think this comic really illustrates something important. In case you decided a four-panel comic was TL:DR it’s of this mom telling her son to listen to his heart, he asks his heart, and the heart tells him to sin.
I don’t think people inherently realize what they’re saying when they say to listen to your heart. But as I’ve mentioned in other blogs, words have meanings. I think what they mean is, trust your instincts.
What would it look like if we really listened to our hearts? Chick flicks and pop culture would have us believe the world would be a more romantic place.
I’m not entirely sure, aside from the whole idea behind the comic, my instincts tend to be focused more on self preservation instead of leading myself out to do something that could hurt.
What do you think? What are sometimes where you listened to your heart or trusted your instincts and it was beneficial or had terrible consequences. I’d like to hear it.
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