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Author: MrFunkhouser


We all have friends in our lives that fundamentally change our lives. Often times we don’t realize it… it isn’t until something big happens that we put the pieces together. These friends aren’t always the friends we grew up with, these friends are sometimes the ones that you’ve interacted with for a season and then you lost touch because of life, timing, or distance. One of these people in my life has been Zach. You may never have had the opportunity to meet him, but if you know me, he’s probably had an impact on your life.

What is truth?

Pilate’s exchange with Jesus in John 18 is fascinating! Pilate asks Jesus “What is Truth” and Jesus has a great answer. But before we go to the Bible, I look at the musical version via Jesus Christ Superstar.

Originally written for a piece on TDMI’s website, Christiaan takes his writing and adapts it slightly.